About Me

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Ripon, CA, United States
I am a stay at home mom who loves crafts, scrapbooking, baking, surfing the web, and chasing my kids around. I just realized the house is NEVER going to be clean again. I have an amazing husband who is patient, loving and who cooks and cleans. We've been married for over ten years now. This is our life.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thanksgiving in Utah (Part Two)

This one was on our Christmas card.  It sure is cute.  Nate just couldn't put down the fruit snacks to say "Cheese." 

We took the boys to Sand Hill Climb!  This hill is massive with pure red sand.  Think beach sand but alot deeper and oh, straight up!  Taro said when he was in high school football, they would bus the team out here and drop them off.  They had to sprint to the top, run back down and do it again.  And keep doing it until they keeled over or puked or both.  HA!  It is seriously killer!

See that first huge rock on the left side?

AJ and I did a light sprint up, and I was winded at that first rock.  We had a rest there!

Nate had so much fun.

We were watching a little boy and his sister sled down the hill.  They asked AJ if he wanted to borrow it, and he said yes.  I was surprised.

It was a LONG way up!!  This was a serious sled.  It even had breaks.  HA.  He had so much fun.  




Sandy said...

That hill is massive! I love that Nate is rolling on the completely flat part. hahaha
Love those dimples. Can't believe AJ got on that sled by himself! ha