About Me

My photo
Ripon, CA, United States
I am a stay at home mom who loves crafts, scrapbooking, baking, surfing the web, and chasing my kids around. I just realized the house is NEVER going to be clean again. I have an amazing husband who is patient, loving and who cooks and cleans. We've been married for over ten years now. This is our life.

Friday, December 07, 2012


Yes, I realize it's almost Christmas and I am just now posting Halloween pics.  Somehow, I completely forgot to even download these off my camera.  We went to the church Trunk or Treat party, and I didn't even take ONE picture there.  Must have been all the excitement.  Taro dressed up as Thor, I dressed up as Wonder Woman with diy red duct tape boots.  It was a super hero theme.  I took these a few days later.

AJ's cape started blowing in the wind, and he thought it was awesome!

Love my little superheroes!


Sandy said...

These made me laugh, between AJ's windy cape and Nate's 6-pack abs, hahaha!

Sandy said...

Oh and where are the pics of Thor and Wonderwoman?? Gotta see that, ha.