63 degrees in January. Awesome! The boys had fun at the park. AJ got to wear his shorts, which he tries to wear everyday. He doesn't care if it's cold, and boy has it been cold here. I know, I know... we don't have anything to complain about in California. Here's to more sunny and warm Winter days.
Mama's gotta slide too.
I had absolutely NO intention of letting them get in the water. I about died laughing when we pulled up to the park and AJ said "Oh, the water park! Just what we needed on a hot day like this!" HAHA. I was happy to see the water was actually off. We were there for about an hour, when the water suddenly came on. Of course, it was like a magnet for the boys. I told them to look and don't touch. HA! Yeah, right!
Soon it was this!
Completely soaked.
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