About Me

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Ripon, CA, United States
I am a stay at home mom who loves crafts, scrapbooking, baking, surfing the web, and chasing my kids around. I just realized the house is NEVER going to be clean again. I have an amazing husband who is patient, loving and who cooks and cleans. We've been married for over ten years now. This is our life.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Monterey part 1

My swimming buddies.  The water was so warm.

AJ climbing a huge anchor near the Fisherman's Wharf.

The boys checking out the view of the bay.

AJ said "Mom, take my picture."  These are the types of poses I get these days.  Notice the t-shirt says "University of Awesomeness"!  HAHA.  Thanks Nori!

My boys at the entrance of the Wharf.

The bird handler at the Farmer's Market told me to get my camera ready.  So I did.  Nate hasn't quite realized what is going on here.

Clearly not pleased.

The coolest park ever.  It was the Dennis the Menance playground.  Pirate Ship playground first.