About Me

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Ripon, CA, United States
I am a stay at home mom who loves crafts, scrapbooking, baking, surfing the web, and chasing my kids around. I just realized the house is NEVER going to be clean again. I have an amazing husband who is patient, loving and who cooks and cleans. We've been married for over ten years now. This is our life.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

3 Months Old

I can't believe Nate is already three months old.  In one moment it seems like he was just born, and another  where it seems like he's been a part of our family forever.  He is truly a little blessing.  AJ utterly adores him, and so do we.

He is really smiling alot these days.  It's just really hard to get a picture.  And he is really cooing alot and trying to laugh.  Watch the video to see him laughing.

Holding his head up so good