About Me

My photo
Ripon, CA, United States
I am a stay at home mom who loves crafts, scrapbooking, baking, surfing the web, and chasing my kids around. I just realized the house is NEVER going to be clean again. I have an amazing husband who is patient, loving and who cooks and cleans. We've been married for over ten years now. This is our life.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ho Ho Ho

AJ said his favorite Christmas present was his tools. Here he is sporting his new tool belt and goggles. He has already "fixed" many things in the house so far.

Here is AJ with our "finished" gingerbread house. It started collapsing about a minute into decorating. Ha ha. We used canned food for roof support. We couldn't finish the other side of the roof for fear of a total collapse.

AJ didn't seem to mind seeing as he was doing this the entire time. Caught ya!

Our tree before the big day. Now our house is a diaster area. You don't want to see a picture of that.


Coco said...

i like the frosting smile!